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What is Product and industrial designers?

Our well-defined world is an important branch of the new consumer industry, smartphones, online shopping, artificial intelligence, and social media design industry, which is growing day by day. It can be said that the design industry is currently the most important and growing industry in the world. Here are the key skills you’ll need to succeed as a designer.

How to Apply for a Design?  IPO Pakistan

The Industrial Design Registration Procedure is a series of steps to take steps to accomplish something. On the one hand, Ahmed Ali Dewan & Co. has several years of experience in Design and Industrial Design Registration in Pakistan. On the other hand, the Company does its job very intelligently.

In addition, he has many years of experience in same field in Pakistan. Furthermore, the design and industrial design application process take with the Design Office. Likewise, the Company has real IPR experts in a wide range of legal services to assist its clients.

In order to comply Industrial Design Registration Procedure the Company is providing fully integrated high-quality legal services in all areas of intellectual property rights. Still the Company is filing considering an increasing number of registered applications for industrial designs for its clients.

Moreover, the Company is protecting its more and more from importers importing counterfeits from the far west and west. It also has experienced in obtaining similar rights around the world.

Are you looking Best IP Law Firm in Pakistan?

Now your search is over because Ahmed Ali Dewan & Co., strives to provides responsive and friendly services at all stages of Industrial Design Registration. In the same way it also complete its work in a short span of time. Just as, the Company invites you to learn more about their law Company/Company, which can helpful in protecting your Company’s valuable intellectual property assets.

Indeed your IP Rights regarding the Industrial Design Registration Procedure may be in good hands if you believe Ahmed Ali Dewan & Co., which is well known and reputable in the field of law. Their sole purpose is to meet the expectations of their client. Client satisfaction is their earnings.

Filling Process of Design Application:

Application file on the prescribed form with the applicant’s necessary information like full name. As well as Nationality, complete business address of the applicant. And 6 copies of representation of the design along with priority document (If the applicant intends to claim priority). Deed of Assignment (If the applicant is not true and first inventor, duly signed Power of Authority from the applicant and prescribed fee;

Upon submission of the design application, the Industrial Design Registration application will become review by an Examiner of Design Office. Thereafter the first examination Report issues on which some steps involve No. (1) Formal examination (2) Substantive examination (3) Reporting;

It is necessary to file a reply within one month from the issuance of the examination report;

After satisfaction of reply of examination, report Registrar passes an order for Publication in E-Journal /Official Gazette;

If no Opposition received within 2 months from the publication in the E-Journal/Official Gazette Registration Certificate issues accordingly

Accumulated time from Filing to Registration of Design applied for six months only;

What laws apply to register an Industrial Design?

Design Registration Procedure referred to in the Design Ordinance 2000. Who provides for priority measures for all member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO). If the applicant submits within 6 months from the date of application for the priority country in Pakistan.

According to U/S 11 of the Ordinance, owner of the design in one of the WTO member countries (or his legal representative or buyer). Individually or together with another person, has the right to apply for registration of the same Model in Pakistan with a right up to priority dates for its registration. Likewise, any person who has applied for registration in Pakistan has the right to claim that the official date of application of Pakistani registration in the above countries can be affected.

An application under Section 11 of the Design Decree 2000 shall submit on Form 16 within six months of the date of the first application abroad and accompanied by four identical declarations. In addition, a copy of a representation or sample of a sample filed or filed abroad in connection with the first application abroad, duly certified by the official head or head of the patent office of that country or otherwise certified to the satisfaction of the Registrar should be retained.

And if such a certificate or document is in a foreign language, it should be accompanied by a translation (in English) certified by a legal declaration or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Registrar.

Advantages of Design Registration in Pakistan:

  • Legal Protection of your intellectual work in the Court of Law;
  • Prevent unauthorized copying or duplication of your design by others;
  • Branding and Goodwill in the Marketplace;
  • Industrial designs that add to the commercial value of your product and facilitate its marketing and commercialization;
  • Protection helps ensure that fair return on investment obtained;
  • Design and Industrial design protection promote fair competition and fair-trade practices. This leads to the production of more aesthetically pleasing and diversified products, thereby expanding consumer choice;
  • The protection of industrial designs stimulates the economic development of the country, promoting the expansion of commercial activities and increasing the export potential of the national product;
  • Eliminate the fear of theft and threats;

Which Industrial Design doesn’t register?

  • If a design is not new or original cannot register;
  • If a design which is similar or identical to those already registered or published somewhere in the world before the filing date (or, in the case of an application claiming priority U/S 11 of the Design Ordinance) In the case of a design, or this, it differs from such previous designs only in non-essential details or features that will commonly use variants in the industry;
  • However, in accordance with section 6 of the Design Ordinance, exceptions to this rule are; “When the registered owner of a registered industrial design for any product files an application;
  • Registration for one or more other articles of the registered industrial design, or the same or more than one industrial design consisting of a registered industrial design. For registrations related to others. objects, change the character, or significantly affect his personality;
  • An application cannot refuse and the registration made for this application shall not invalidate solely on the basis of previous registration or publication of the registered industrial design;
  • Provided that the period for registration of an industrial design registered in accordance with this section cannot exceed the expiration of the initial and extended registration period for the original registered industrial design;
  • A method or design principle, or an improvement in the design, arrangement, or application of machines;
  • Anything that is essentially just a mechanical device. In other words, a construction that consists of shape or configuration features, which determined solely by the function that the article to manufacture in this shape or configuration must fulfil;
  • Trademarks All trademarks within the meaning of Section 2 of the Trademark Act 1940. The mere addition of two or more known articles with a known shape or pattern;

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