The search result is issued within 7 working days from the Trademark Registry. Once you receive the search results, you’ll know if someone else has already registered or applied for the same or a similar trademark. Furthermore If a prior confusing trademark appears in the search result it may be best to select a different trademark, rather than invest in a trademark that might later lead to a costly legal dispute.
Avoid Legal Issues: A trademark search helps identify existing trademarks that may be similar or identical to yours. By spotting potential conflicts early, you can avoid costly legal disputes and the risk of having your trademark application rejected.
Save Time and Money: Conducting a trademark search before applying saves you from spending time and money on an application that could be denied due to conflicts. It also helps you make informed decisions about whether your trademark is viable.
Ensure Trademark Availability: A trademark search confirms whether your desired trademark is available for registration, ensuring your brand remains unique and distinguishable from others in the market.
Protection Against Infringement: By identifying trademarks already in use, you can prevent unknowingly infringing on another business’s rights, which could lead to costly lawsuits or loss of brand value.
Secure Brand Identity: A thorough search ensures that your trademark is truly distinctive and doesn’t violate the principles of trademark law, helping you establish a strong, protected brand identity.
Enhance Your Market Position: Registering a trademark that is clear of conflicts strengthens your brand’s position in the market, making it more credible and legally protected.
Improve Registration Success: Performing a trademark search increases your chances of a successful registration, as you’ll be aware of any possible issues before submitting your application.
Global Protection: If you’re planning to expand internationally, a trademark search can help you check for potential conflicts in foreign markets, making your global expansion smoother and safer.
By conducting a trademark search, you can safeguard your brand from legal complications and secure its long-term success.