Filing by Office of Origin:
To file an international trademark under the Madrid Protocol, the applicant must meet one of these criteria:
- Be a citizen of Pakistan.
- Be a resident of Pakistan.
- Have a genuine business or commercial establishment in Pakistan.
Additionally, the applicant must have a national trademark registration number with the Trademark Registry of Pakistan, which will serve as the basis for the international filing. The international application must match the trademark and list of goods/services in the national registration.
Applicants can designate multiple member countries of the Madrid Protocol in their international application. The application can be filed via a prescribed form or electronically.
We simplify the Madrid Protocol filing process for you. After you file with the Trademark Registry (Office of Origin) in Pakistan, the registry verifies your details and forwards the application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
You can choose from three languages for the application: English, French, or Spanish, and designate multiple countries for trademark protection.
We use the WIPO Global Brand Database to conduct trademark searches, helping you identify trademarks registered under the Madrid system, the Lisbon system, and those protected under the Paris Convention 6ter.
- File with the Office of Origin: Submit your trademark application to the Trademark Registry of Pakistan.
- WIPO’s Formal Review: WIPO conducts a formal check to ensure the application complies with the Madrid Protocol. If everything is in order, WIPO registers your trademark in the International Register and notifies the designated countries.
- Substantive Review: Each designated country conducts its own substantive examination of your trademark based on national laws. The scope of protection is determined within 12-18 months.
International trademark applications from Pakistan are submitted to the Trademark Registry (TMR) of IPO-Pakistan. The TMR ensures compliance with the Madrid Protocol, and if no objections arise, certifies and forwards the application to WIPO for international registration.