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Fight Against Anti-Corruption in Pakistan:

The fight against corruption in Pakistan has been going on for decades. As such the country is in the grip of corruption in both the public and private sectors. To address this issue, the government created various agencies such as the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to investigate and prosecute corrupt individuals. However, many believe that these efforts are not enough, and political interference and lack of resources hinder their effectiveness. Civil society organizations and the media have also played an important role in raising awareness and exposing cases of corruption. Despite these challenges, it is important to continue fighting corruption to ensure transparency, accountability and good governance in Pakistan.

What is Anti Corruption Trial?

Where Corruption exists in all societies in various forms and degrees. There is Anti-Corruption Trial also available in Pakistan has struggled to contain corruption, first in the public sector. And also subsequently in the private sector. In addition to establishing supervision and regulation mechanism in the form of parliamentary committees on public accounts, auditor general and ombudsman offices, regulatory bodies, and departmental mechanisms. In addition the main Pakistan’s efforts have focused on the adoption of Anti-Corruption Trial laws and enforcement through the Corruption Investigation Agencies (ACIA), i.e. National Bureau of Reporting (NAB), Federal Agency of Investigation (FIA), and provincial Anti-Corruption Institutions (ACE).

Anti Corruption Online Complaint:

Filing an online anti-corruption complaint is a simple yet powerful way to fight against corruption. Start by visiting the website of the appropriate anti-corruption agency and locate the complaint filing page. Provide all the necessary details, including the alleged corrupt act, the individuals involved, and any supporting evidence. Ensure that you include your contact details for follow up. Once submitted, the agency will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action. It is important to remember that filing a false complaint can have serious consequences, so make sure that your complaint is based on facts and evidence. By filing an online anti-corruption complaint, you are playing an active role in promoting transparency and accountability.

The Prevention of Corruption Act of 1947 was passed to introduce effective provisions to prevent bribery and corruption in Pakistan. Furthermore, the law applies to all of Pakistan and applies to all Pakistani citizens and government officials wherever they are. For the purposes of this Law, “civil servant” means a civil servant as defined (section 21) of the Pakistan Penal Code 18 (section 5) of the Act.

Moreover the law defines the criminal misconduct of a civil servant and prescribes punishment of up to seven years or a fine, or both. Criminal conduct includes obtaining remuneration, monetary gain or any other valuable possessions for a government official for himself or for any other person without remuneration. He also declares the unlawful use of the property entrusted to him and the possession by him or his dependents of any property that goes beyond his known sources of income, a crime punishable under the same section. The Law made the offenses provided for in Articles 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 or 165-A of the PPC eligible for the purposes of action under this Law.

Pakistan also has another Anti-Corruption Act, 1961, which repealed the Prevention of Bribery and Corruption Act (xxiv 1950).

Furthermore following laws are also available for anti-corruption:


The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 of Pakistan is a legislation aimed at combating corruption in the country. The act defines various forms of corruption, including bribery, extortion, abuse of power, and embezzlement of public funds. It establishes penalties for these offenses, including imprisonment and fines. The act also creates institutions to investigate and prosecute corruption cases, such as the National Accountability Bureau. Additionally, it requires public officials to disclose their assets and sources of income to prevent conflicts of interest. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 is an important tool in the fight against corruption in Pakistan.

Anti-corruption Establishment Rules 2014:

The Anti-corruption Establishment Rules 2014 of Pakistan aim to prevent and combat corruption within the country. The rules outline the establishment of an anti-corruption agency that is responsible for investigating and prosecuting corrupt individuals. The agency has the power to seize assets and freeze bank accounts of those accused of corruption. The rules also provide protection to whistleblowers who report corruption and ensure that they are not subjected to retaliation. The agency is required to maintain transparency and accountability in its operations and investigations. Overall, the Anti-corruption Establishment Rules 2014 of Pakistan are a significant step towards reducing corruption and promoting integrity in the country.

Anti-Corruption can take on many different forms, but generally falls into four main categories: grand corruption, petty corruption, political corruption, and systemic corruption. Grand corruption involves high level officials engaging in corruption for personal gain, while petty corruption involves small-scale bribery or extortion. Political corruption occurs when politicians use their power for personal gain or to sway election outcomes, and systemic corruption is a pervasive and entrenched form of corruption that is built into the very fabric of a society or institution. Each type of corruption can have serious consequences for a country’s economy, political stability, and social cohesion.

Grand corruption refers to high-level corruption that involves large sums of money and often involves top government officials or business leaders. It can have devastating effects on a country’s economy and social fabric, as resources that should be used for public goods and services are instead siphoned off into the pockets of a few powerful individuals. Grand corruption can also undermine democratic institutions and the rule of law, as those in power may use their influence to avoid accountability and protect their ill-gotten gains. It is a serious problem that requires strong anti-corruption measures and a commitment to transparency and accountability from those in power.

Petty corruption refers to the abuse of power by public officials for personal gain that involves small amounts of money or favors. It often occurs in the interactions between individuals and government institutions, such as police officers, teachers, and local officials. Petty corruption can lead to a loss of trust in public institutions, a lack of accountability, and an unequal distribution of resources. It also disproportionately affects the most vulnerable populations who are often the most in need of public services. Strategies to combat petty corruption include increasing transparency, improving accountability mechanisms, and strengthening the capacity of public officials to resist temptation.

A big Corruption takes many forms but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, nepotism, nepotism, favoritism, patronage, influence peddling, corruption and embezzlement. Political corruption is the abuse of power by government officials or their networks for illicit personal gain.

Systemic corruption refers to a situation where corruption is embedded within the structures and processes of a society or organization. This type of corruption is often difficult to detect and combat because it is not limited to a few individuals, but rather involves a network of individuals and institutions that benefit from and perpetuate corrupt practices. Systemic corruption can have devastating effects on a country’s economy, politics, and social fabric. It undermines public trust in institutions, hinders economic growth, and perpetuates inequality. Addressing systemic corruption requires a comprehensive approach that includes strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of accountability.

What we do?

We provide services related to anti-corruption in Pakistan. Our aim is to promote transparency and accountability in all sectors of society. We offer advisory services to businesses, government agencies, and civil society organizations on how to prevent and combat corruption. Our team of experts has extensive experience in investigating and prosecuting corruption cases, and we work closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that corrupt individuals are brought to justice. In addition we also conduct awareness-raising campaigns to educate the public about the negative impact of corruption on society and encourage them to report any corrupt activities they encounter. Our services are available to anyone who is committed to fighting corruption and promoting good governance in Pakistan.

We have a well-known company in Anti-Corruption Trial mechanisms and laws in Pakistan. Our team is fully educated and has good knowledge of the local cultures of Eastern jurisdictions. Although the country exists to provide its citizens with freedom from poverty, freedom from slavery, and quality of life in which they can live without fear of injustice and tyranny. Nothing harms these goals more than government corruption. ” (Pakistan National Anti-Corruption Strategy, 2002).



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