Law Firm in Pakistan

International Trademark Registration

Trademark Search, International Trademark Registration, trademark protection, trademark rights, us patent attorney,

Protect your brand globally by registering your trademark in multiple countries. International trademark registration helps safeguard your business’s identity and ensures legal protection across borders. Learn how to secure your brand’s reputation worldwide with the right process and strategy.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation, What is mediation in divorce?, family law mediators

Divorce Mediation What is mediation in divorce? This article will focus on Divorce Mediation. It is also called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in other words. In divorce mediation, a neutral third party attempts to help the disputing parties reach an agreement on their own. In other words, he finds a solution to the problem by […]

TM Registration

TM Registration (Ahmed Ali Dewan & Co.)

TM Registration (Complete Guide) Overview: We know, humans are prone to carelessness. They do business but don’t take steps to protect it as a result they lose their business name. If one knows his right but does not know how to get it. Even some people recognize their rights but do not try to get […]

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness is the extent to which consumers are familiar with a brand, its products or services, and its values. It is an important metric for businesses, as it can significantly impact consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Building brand awareness is a key component of any successful marketing strategy, as it helps businesses to establish […]

Is marriage hard for everyone

Is marriage hard for everyone?

Everyone knows that marriage and relationships are not easy, then this question arises in the mind Is marriage hard for everyone? In fact, it can be downright difficult at times. But it doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. If you are struggling in your marriage or relationship, know that you are not alone. Many couples […]

Top 12 Famous Lawyers in the World

Top 12 Famous Lawyers in the World

A great profession in the world: Law is a career that is an important detail of society as it occupies an important place within the mechanism of delivery of justice. It is such a great career that even unmarried recommendations by a legal professional are highly valued by individuals, businesses, governments, and various institutions. Some […]

India vs Pakistan conflict over Kashmir

India vs Pakistan conflict over Kashmir

Background of the Kashmir conflict: India vs Pakistan conflict over Kashmir on August 5, 2019, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led government of Narendra Modi announced significant changes to Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. Which granted the state of Jammu and Kashmir a “special status”. In addition, Kashmir is the lifeblood of Pakistan, and […]

Motive of Pakistan to avoid signature on Madrid System

Motive of Pakistan to avoid signature on Madrid System

Motive of Pakistan to avoid signature on Madrid System The Madrid System is an international treaty that allows for the registration and management of trademarks globally. It provides a centralized system for registering and managing trademarks in multiple countries through a single application process. The system is managed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) […]

Problems in Education System

Problems in Education System of Pakistan

Introduction: Problems in Education System of Pakistan include the lack of an adequate budget. As well as Policy enforcement, dirty and poor examination system, poor physical conditions, lack of knowledge of the qualified teachers, shortage Education policy implementation, non-directed education, low enrollment, dropouts, political Interventions, outdated curricula, corruption, dirty and poor management and oversight, lack […]

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